Southfield Primary School

Vision, Values & SDP

Our Mission Statement

‘Out of the Heart Springs Life’ (Ex Corde Vita), our school motto epitomises our ambition for all children to find their passion in learning and to foster a sense of humility and responsibility in themselves and for others. 

Our Values 

                  TRUE   Trust   Respect   Unity   Empathy


Our Vision

  • We believe in a personal growth model of teaching where we educate the whole child; academically, morally, spiritually and culturally.

  • We offer children a classical liberal education allowing them to explore the best in thought and discoveries gaining knowledge and understanding of the world.

  • Through fostering a contextualised curriculum approach, children make meaning and understanding through rich creative experiences.

  • We aspire for children to be the best they can be, kind, compassionate and thoughtful local, national and global members of society.


School Development Plan

Each year we have 5 focused priorities where we seek to enrich and expand the children’s experience and curricula offer. Although all areas of the curriculum are taught the SDP priorities are exciting new elements to be embedded into the curriculum. 

Focused Priority 1 Southfield Digital Arts
Focused Priority 2 Southfield Philosopher
Focused Priority 3 Southfield Horticulturalist
Focused Priority 4 Southfield Economist
Focused Priority 5 Southfield Author and Illustrator