Southfield Primary School


The Southfield uniform can be purchased at Juniper in Ealing Broadway or at Juniper online  and School Trends online where you can buy items with our school logo such as school sweatshirts, school cardigans and school polo shirts. 

To be in uniform, a child should wear these with grey trousers, shorts, a grey skirt or a pinafore which can be bought in any retailer or at Juniper and School Trends. Children should wear black shoes – no trainers, no slip-on shoes, no strap sandals which may cause accidents.

PE Kit

All the children will need a PE kit for school which can be bought at Juniper or School Trends. The school colours are blue and white.

Reception: shorts and a white tee-shirt (plimsolls for the summer term)

Years 1, 2 and 3:  plimsolls, shorts and a white tee-shirt (in winter a track suit may be worn for outdoor activities)

Years 4, 5 and 6: plimsolls or trainers, shorts and a white tee-shirt (in winter a track suit may be worn for outdoor activities)

 If parents want their child to wear different clothes for PE, they are asked to send a note to the class teacher.

Southfield School Uniform Policy