Reception Chopin
Miss Giuffre is the teacher in R Chopin.
Lent 1 2024-2025
In EYFS we have had an exciting and explorative half term, where we have developed our Reading, Writing, creative and Mathematical skills whilst learning all about ‘Space’. The children have shown a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for this topic, asking continuous questions about the solar system and life beyond Earth, whilst relating it to their Literacy and Maths.
During our topic, we have learnt what planets make up the solar system, and the different properties of each planet, as well as talking lots about how we can look after our own planet - Earth. We have learnt a vast amount of new vocabulary such as ‘orbit’, ‘astronomer’ and ‘oxygen’. We have also looked beyond the solar system at galaxies and constellations, and even talked about life that may exist out in space. Through role play, children have developed an understanding of all the different training an astronaut undergoes and what they need whilst they are out there. We have spoken about the impact of gravity and other planets having no atmosphere or sound.
To supplement our learning on space, we created a space station in the classroom with all the various control panels and even created a rocket tent for both reading and role play purposes. On tuff trays, we have created a ‘Race to Space’ board game to consolidate our subtraction and addition skills, as well as ‘pack a bag for space’ looking at the equipment astronauts use and need, as well as honing on our letter formation by tracing and writing letters to an astronaut, developing our fine motor skills.
For outdoor learning we have used chalk to create our own solar systems, created galaxies out of paint, explored moon dust, and engaged in our very own Race To Space group games. We have also immersed ourselves in the topic through junk modelling, song, dance and construction.
Michaelmas 2 2024-2025
In EYFS we have had a very exciting half term filled with lots of opportunities for role play and creative artwork alongside honing our Phonics and Maths skills, all focused on our topic ‘Transport’.
We have been very impressed with the children’s ability to complete and immersive themselves in the topic and apply knowledge in context, as well as improve and consolidate early Maths, Reading and Writing.
During our transport topic we looked at how we can stay safe on the road including through high-vis jackets, obeying road signs and always looking before we cross. We also spoke about what all the different road signs mean for drivers and how they can keep us safe. We spoke about all the different things we can transport, including our reading records and water bottles everyday to school! We looked at transport in London, learning about hop on hop off buses and the different tube routes. It was interesting to discuss transport around the world such as Tuk Tuks and Bullet trains. Finally, we looked at how transport has changed over time.
To supplement our learning about transport, we have been recreating types of transport in a variety of forms including Junk modelling, Collage, Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play. We were also lucky to go on a trip to the London Transport Museum where we were able to see transport form the past and immerse ourselves in a range of transport.
Finally, we have spent a lot of time practicing our class Nativity. The children have been very engaged, they understood the story of the Nativity and really enjoyed role playing the characters, as well as singing and dancing to all the beautiful songs.
Well done Reception on completing your first term! Have a great Christmas.
Michaelmas 1 2024-2025
Autumn 1 in Reception was filled with lots of work through engaging and fun activities around our topic of All About Me. Over the first couple of weeks, we got to know each other through structured indoor and outdoor learning activities that involve the children sharing and working together to solve puzzles, construct and cooperate. Alongside this, we have been enjoying whole class learning together on the carpet. In our Phonics lessons we have been learning our set 1 letter sounds and applying them through sound blending, tracing and initial sound related illustrations. In Literacy lessons, we continue to explore our topic through shared big books as a class. As part of our charities week, we have been talking about the importance of water. We looked at some of the different ways we use water (drinking, cleaning our teeth, flushing the toilet), and why else water is important.
We learned that not everyone has everything they need to live happily and healthily, and so charities help others. Talking as a class about what we can do to help save water, we then learned about Water Aid and how they help in countries which may not have clean water or proper toilets. We talked about what happens if we do not have clean water and we read the story The Water Princess to enhance our understanding.
We decided to create fish keyrings to fit alongside our WaterAid charity. We talked about the importance of clean water even for animals and especially for humans. In Maths we have been counting forwards and backwards to a range of different songs and dances. We have been learning about sorting, as well as recognising and creating patterns. Some of Reception have been enjoying lunchtime clubs such as Arts and Crafts and Construction. In Arts and Crafts, we have been making bracelets, bookmarks and even coasters for our mummy’s and daddy’s. In Construction club we have been using the building blocks to create a variety of structures. We have looked at which structures are more durable, and which fall over more easily. The Year 6 pupils have been coming to read with Reception and it has been very enjoyable. All the children are designated a buddy, which they all now know, and both year 6’s and the reception pupils are very excited when them come to read. The reception children’s social skills and confidence is growing, with many confident enough to choose a book themselves.
Summer 2 2023-2024
This term has been a whirlwind of exploration and discovery as the children completed their final term in Reception. The children engaged in a wonderful summer production of The Litter Muncher where they gave their absolute best acting and singing skills, developing both their imagination and creativity. It was a wonderful performance and showed the hours of hard work they had put into rehearsals. However, it not only showcased their artistic talents but also instilled a strong sense of responsibility towards the environment in our young minds. Taking a break from the classroom, the children embarked on an unforgettable trip to London Zoo. The children were impressive and proud representatives of the Southfield team as they consolidated their knowledge on growing and changing by looking at all the different habitats and animals. We looked at towering giraffes, creepy crawlies and even witnessed a penguin show whilst learning some interesting facts (that some penguins are taller than us!). This magical outing sparked a deep appreciation for nature and conservation in our little learners. The children were also fortunate enough to watch an Open-Air performance of Jemima Puddleduck. It was great for the children to witness real actors come into the school and portray a tale through costume, setting and characterisation and they thoroughly enjoyed it. It was also a nice way to end our Stories from the Past topic which the children immersed themselves in.
Amidst all the special activities and adventures, our reception children remained committed to their academic growth. They diligently practiced phonics, honed their mathematical skills, and deepened their knowledge on our topic Stories from the Past. We looked at fairytales, legends, fables and myths and it was wonderful to see children connect the lessons and moral teachings within fables and myths to our TRUE values. We are all incredibly proud of the children’s hard work, effort and progress this year. As we reflect on the summer term and the final chapter of their Reception Journey we are filled with both gratitude and appreciation of the activities and experiences we have shared and the progress they have made.
The children have made friends for life and developed skills that they can carry with them throughout school. A heartfelt thank you to our supportive parents, and, most importantly, our remarkable reception children for making this term an unforgettable one. We are very proud of you, and you should be very proud of yourselves. We all wish you the best of luck in Year 1 and have no doubt you will continue to shine and grow.
Summer 1 2023-2024
In EYFS we have had a very interesting, busy, and enjoyable half term with lots of opportunities for role play, creative artwork, learning through play as well as studying Phonics, Maths, Writing, and our overarching topic of ‘Kings and Queens’.
We have been very impressed with the children’s ability to immersive themselves in the topic and apply knowledge in context, as well as improve and consolidate early Maths, Reading and Writing.
During our Kings and Queens topic we learnt that King Charles III is our king, and his mother was Queen Elizabeth II who served as the Queen for a long time. We had a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace and then wrote about what we would include in our own Palace. We spoke about all the different flags, particularly the Royal Standard flag which shows that the King is in, and a Union Jack flag if not.
We also talked about how England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are part of the United Kingdom and how the Union Jack flag is made up of the Scottish, Welsh and English flags, and what their names are. We spoke about the Royal Cypher and that fact it is made up of C for Charles, R for Rex (which is Latin for King) and the III is to show that Charles is the third person to be King with that name. We spoke about how the Government differs to the Royal Family in the sense that we can vote for our favourite party. Furthermore, we spoke about how the Prime Minister meets with the King. We have also introduced new topic-based vocabulary such as, oath, coronation, abdication and covered what words such as ‘nationality’ and ‘stability’ encompass.
To supplement our learning about Kings and Queens, we have been creating King and Queen themed artwork, have voted, and created our own polling station. We have written oaths, class policies and even had a go at writing our own poetry in literacy. In maths we have talked about 2D shapes, subtracted, and added guards and castles. We even did a mathematical ‘tour around London’ board game where we had to race to Buckingham palace using our knowledge of one more or one less to get there. We also immersed ourselves in the topic in a variety of other forms including Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play.
Spring 2 2023-2024
In EYFS we have had a very interesting, happy and laughter filled half term with lots of opportunities for role play, creative artwork, as well as studying Phonics, Maths and our overarching topic ‘Growing and Changing.’
We have been both excited and impressed by how eager the children have been to develop their knowledge about the world around them and how it changes whilst consolidating Maths, Reading, and Writing.
During our Growing and Changing topic we have learnt all about the lifecycles of plants, butterflies, frogs, wasps and even humans too, whilst talking about how all living things have life cycles and what each living thing needs such as food and water. We have learnt about all the different seasons and how nature and animals behave differently during these contrasting periods. We have looked at the variety of habitats there are for animals and what they need. We have also spoken about the endless opportunities and adventures there are for us when we grow up.
To supplement our learning about Growing and Changing we have been exploring both fresh and saltwater habitats in our Sensory Water Area. We have also gone exploring for different leaves and footprints which we have incorporated into our Artwork. Moreover, we have been doing lots of food related work outside as it is important to eat so we can grow. We have been sorting out food and whether it’s healthy or unhealthy, writing our own shopping lists and even making our own receipts.
We also immersed ourselves in the topic in a variety of other forms including Junk modelling, Collage, Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play.
Spring 1 2023-2024
In EYFS we have had an exciting and explorative half term, where we have developed our reading and writing, creative and mathematical skills whilst learning all about ‘Space.’
The children have shown a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for this topic, asking continuous questions about the Solar System and life beyond Earth whilst relating it to their Literacy and Maths.
During our topic we have learnt what planets make up the Solar System, and all the different properties of each planet, as well as talking lots about how we can look after our own planet Earth. We have learnt a vast amount of new vocabulary such as ‘orbit’ or ‘axis. We have also looked beyond the Solar System at galaxies and constellations and even talked about other life that may exist out in Space. Through role play children have developed an understanding about all the different training an astronaut undergoes and what they need whilst they are out there. We have spoken about the impact of gravity and other planets having no atmosphere or sound.
To supplement our learning on Space, we created a Space station in the classroom with all the various control panels and even created a rocket tent for both reading and role play purposes. On tuff trays we have created ‘Race to Space’ board games and ‘fill in the flame’ to consolidate our subtraction and addition skills as well as ‘pack a back for space’ and ‘send a signal’ to an astronaut to hone our letter formation and fine motor skills.
For outdoor learning we have used chalk to create our own solar system, created galaxies out of playdough and paint and caught aliens and rockets in water. We have also immersed ourselves in the topic through junk modelling, song and dance and construction.
Autumn 2 2023-2024
In EYFS we have had a very exciting and fun filled 7 weeks with lots of opportunities for role play, creative artwork, learning through play as well as studying Phonics, Maths and our overarching topic ‘Transport.’
We have been very impressed with the children’s ability to complete immersive themselves in the topic and apply knowledge in context, as well as improve and consolidate early Maths, Reading and Writing.
During our transport topic we learnt that vehicles need to use forces to move, and we recognise that when vehicles slow down and stop there is a cause. We researched a wide variety of vehicles including steam engines and how they work, as well as how we transport our food. We learned about different types of transport around the world such as TukTuks, Bullet Trains and Gondolas.
To supplement our learning about transport, we have been recreating types of transport in a variety of forms including: Junk modelling, Collage, Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play. We were also lucky to go on a trip to the London Transport Museum where we were able to see transport from the past.
Finally, we have been practicing our class Nativity. The children have been very engaged, they understand the story of the Nativity and really enjoyed role playing the characters, as well as singing and dancing to all the beautiful songs.
Autumn 1 2023-2024
Autumn 1 in Reception was filled with lots of work through engaging and fun activities around our topic of All About Me.
Over the first couple of weeks, we got to know each other through structured indoor and outdoor learning activities that involve the children sharing and working together to solve puzzles, construct and cooperate. Alongside this, we have been enjoying whole class learning together on the carpet.
In our Phonics lessons we have been learning our set 1 letter sounds and applying them through sound blending, tracing and initial sound related illustrations. In Literacy lessons, we continue to explore our topic through shared big books as a class.
As part of our charities week, we have been talking about the importance of water. We looked at some of the different ways we use water (drinking, cleaning our teeth, flushing the toilet), and why else water is important.
We learned that not everyone has everything they need to live happily and healthily, and so charities help others. Talking as a class about what we can do to help save water, we then learned about Water Aid and how they help countries which may not have clean water or proper toilets. We talked about what happens if we do not have clean water and we read the story The Water Princess to enhance our understanding.
We decided to create water themed coasters to fit alongside our Water Aid charity. We talked about the importance of clean water even for animals and especially for humans.
In Maths we have been counting forwards and backwards to a range of different songs and dances. We have been learning about and practicing sorting and measuring, as well as recognising and creating patterns. We read ‘Guess How Much I Love You?’ in our Maths Discovery lessons and discussed length, size, weight and distance. We also continued to build on our knowledge of counting and Nursery Rhymes.
Some of Reception have been enjoying lunchtime clubs such as Gardening or Construction. In Gardening club we have picked tomatoes that were planted last year and went through what fruits, vegetables or plants grow well in the winter months. Based on this discussion, we have decided we will be planting carrots and tulips in the coming weeks. In Construction club we have been using Lego, building blocks and train sets to create a variety of structures. We have looked at which structures are more durable and which fall over more easily.
Year 6 have been coming to read with Reception and it has been very enjoyable. The children now know their partners and we are always very excited when the Year 6 classes come to join us. Our social confidence is growing and we like to choose books that will be read to us. The Year 6’s are very patient with us want to help us with our learning.
Summer 2 2022-2023
This term has been a whirlwind of exploration, discovery, and hands-on learning, designed to ignite young minds and foster a lifelong love for learning.
Taking a break from the classroom, the children embarked on an unforgettable trip to London Zoo. The journey itself was a thrilling adventure as they travelled on a coach, filled with laughter and anticipation. At the zoo, they marvelled at the diverse flora and fauna, witnessing animals from around the world in their natural habitats. This magical outing sparked a deep appreciation for nature and conservation in our little learners.
But that's not all - the children's creativity shone during DT, where they made incredible animal masks. These masks were no ordinary crafts; they were designed to help animals adapt to their respective biomes, demonstrating the children's understanding of the animal kingdom and its diversity.
Amidst all the special activities and adventures, our reception children remained committed to their academic growth. They diligently practiced phonics, honed their mathematical skills, and deepened their knowledge across various topics. Their dedication to learning is commendable, and we are immensely proud of their progress.
The grand finale of the summer term was the enchanting summer production, "The Litter Muncher." Our young stars took the stage with confidence, singing, dancing, and acting out a cautionary tale about the importance of keeping our environment clean. This wonderful performance not only showcased their artistic talents but also instilled a strong sense of responsibility towards the environment in our young minds.
As we reflect on the summer term, we are filled with gratitude for the experiences shared and the growth achieved. The curiosity ignited, the friendships forged, and the knowledge gained will stay with our reception children as they move forward in their educational journey.
A heartfelt thank you to our supportive parents, and, most importantly, our remarkable reception children for making this term an unforgettable one. Together, we look forward to the adventures that the next Year will bring, full of joy, learning, and boundless possibilities.
Summer 1 2022-2023
In EYFS we have had a very interesting, busy and enjoyable half term with lots of opportunities for role play, creative artwork, learning through play as well as studying Phonics, Maths, Writing, and our overarching topic of ‘Kings and Queens’.
We have been very impressed with the children’s ability to immersive themselves in the topic and apply knowledge in context, as well as improve and consolidate early Maths, Reading and Writing.
During our Kings and Queens topic we learnt that King Charles III is our king, and about the coronation ceremony, which we recently celebrated across the country, as well as in school. We also took a closer look at the Royal Guards and what they wear, as well as Buckingham Palace which is one of the places the King and Queen live. The children explored re-enacting the coronation ceremony, and learned about the Royal Standard being the flag of the Royal Family. We also looked at the Union Jack, learning about how England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are part of the United Kingdom and how the Union Jack flag is made up of the Scottish, Welsh and English flags, and what their names are. We also took a step back in time to talk about the tyrant King John, how he taxed his subjects, and what that means, and how eventually he was made to sign the Magna Carta - a list or promises and rules to which King John had to agree.
To supplement our learning about Kings and Queens, we have been creating King and Queen themed artwork, we have role played in our “Castle/Palace.”, added and subtracted crowns and guards, as well as completed writing tasks about King Charles,, the Magna Carta, the Union Jack, and even a special video-literacy task about the short film “The Little Boat”. We also immersed ourselves in the topic in a variety of other forms including: Junk modelling, Collage, Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play.
Spring 2 2022-2023
In EYFS we have had a very interesting, happy and laughter filled half term with lots of opportunities for role play, creative artwork, learning through play as well as studying Phonics, Maths and our overarching topic ‘Growing and Changing.’ We have been very impressed with the children’s ability to immersive themselves in the topic and apply knowledge in context, as well as improve and consolidate early Maths, Reading and Writing. During our Growing and Changing topic we learnt that plants need light and water to grow and reproduce, that people and places change over time. That all animals have lifecycles including humans. That frogs metamorphosize through their adolescence to become adult frogs and caterpillars metamorphosize in adulthood to become butterflies. That we have four seasons in the northern hemisphere. That we grow food to eat and harvest them. We also learned that when human beings become adults there are a great many things that they can do. To supplement our learning about Growing and changing, we have been creating Growing and Changing themed artwork, we have role played in our “Home/Greenhouse.” added and subtracted plants and animals as well as complete writing tasks about lifecycles, seasons and time. We also immersed ourselves in the topic in a variety of other forms including: Junk modelling, Collage, Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play.
Spring 1 2022-2023
In EYFS we have had a very exciting and fun filled half term with lots of opportunities for role play, creative artwork, learning through play as well as studying Phonics, Maths and our overarching topic ‘Space.’ We have been very impressed with the children’s ability to immersive themselves in the topic and apply knowledge in context, as well as improve and consolidate early Maths, Reading and Writing. During our Space topic we learnt that the earth orbits the sun, what gravity is, how stars are formed and die, what satellites are and how we used them, as well as what equipment astronauts use to complete missions safely and successfully. To supplement our learning about Space, we have been creating Space themed artwork, we have role played in our “Space station.” added and subtracted space debris as well as complete writing tasks about the solar system and the cosmos. We also immersed ourselves in the topic in a variety of other forms including: Junk modelling, Collage, Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play.
Autumn 2 2022-2023
In EYFS we have had a very exciting and fun filled 7 weeks with lots of opportunities for role play, creative artwork, learning through play as well as studying Phonics, Maths and our overarching topic ‘Transport.’
We have been very impressed with the children’s ability to complete immersive themselves in the topic and apply knowledge in context, as well as improve and consolidate early Maths, Reading and Writing.
During our transport topic we learnt that vehicles need to use forces to in order to move, to recognise that when vehicles slow down and stop there is a cause. We researched a wide variety of vehicles including steam engines and how they work, as well as how we transport our food.
To supplement our learning about transport, we have been recreating types of transport in a variety of forms including: Junk modelling, Collage, Painting, Singing simple songs from memory and Imaginative role play.
Last but not least we have been practicing our class Nativity, the children have been very engaged, they understand the story of the Nativity and really enjoyed role playing the characters, as well as singing and dancing to all the beautiful songs.
Autumn 1 2022-2023
Autumn 1 in Reception was filled with lots of work through engaging and fun activities around our topic of All About Me.
Over the first couple of weeks we got to know each other through structured indoor and outdoor learning activities that involve the children sharing and working together to solve puzzles, construct and cooperate. We have discussed our creations in the small world and creative area. Alongside this, we have been enjoying whole class learning together on the carpet.
In our Phonics lessons we have been learning our set 1 letter sounds and applying them through sound blending, tracing and initial sound related illustrations. In Literacy lessons, we continue to explore our topic through shared big books as a class. Reading stories and joining in with repeated refrains, discussing the narrative. We have also been creating and annotating illustrations from our favourite books.
As part of our charities week, we have been talking about the importance of water. We looked at some of the different ways we use water (drinking, cleaning our teeth, flushing the toilet), and why else water is important.
We learned that not everyone has everything they need to live happily and healthily, and so charities help others. Talking as a class about what we can do to help save water, we then learned about Water Aid and how they help countries which may not have clean water or proper toilets.
We decided to create raindrop necklaces to show how important clean water is, and that even though there is so much water on our planet only a very small amount is safe to drink.
In Maths we have been counting forwards and backwards to a range of different songs and dances. We have been learning about and practicing sorting and measuring, as well as recognising and creating patterns. We read ‘Guess How Much I Love You?’ in our Maths Discovery lessons and discussed length, size, weight and distance. We also continued to build on our knowledge of counting and Nursery Rhymes.
Summer 2 2021-2022
Summer 2 in Reception was filled with lots of work through engaging and fun activities around our topic of Under the Sea.
The first two weeks of the term, however were extra special as we celebrated the Platinum Jubilee with a fun filled week full of activities allowing us to learn more about the Queen. We all wrote a letter to her in hope she might respond! In the second week of the term we focused on Healthy Lifestyles and had plenty of opportunities to get our bodies and minds fit! To top the week off, we had our very first Sports Day in Southfield Park.
Over the next couple of weeks, in our Communication and Language as well as Literacy lessons, we continued to explore our topic through Creative Writing stories- with our favourite one- The Rainbow Fish.’ We created our own characters and wrote stories using adjectives and extending our sentences as we are now getting ready for Year 1! We all became engrossed in collecting facts about sea animals and made our own booklets about sharks, jellyfish, octopus, whales and many more.
In Maths we continued to explore measurement. We read ‘How Long is a Whale?’ in our Maths Through Stories and discussed length, size and weight talking about sea animals. We also continued to build on our knowledge of making sums using coins. We are now becoming confident finding change from 10 and 20p- very helpful when we go shopping, indeed!
Last but not least, we had lots of fun exploring the water cycle, flora and fauna of the seas as well as learning about pirates! We took part in a fun Drama workshop ‘Pirates and Mermaids’ by the Performance Theatre Group. We continued our pirate and mermaid adventures in the outdoor area, pretending we are the Pirates on a treasure hunt! What a fun term this has been!
Summer 1 2021-2022
Summer 1 in Reception was full of exciting activities around our topic of Minibeasts.
In our Literacy lessons, we continued to explore the topic of insects and other small creatures through Creative Writing stories, for instance: ‘The Very Busy Spider’, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’ by Eric Carle and Julia Donaldson’s ‘Superworm.’Having learned about bees and how important they are to us and the world, we decided to celebrate the World Bee Day by making some information posters.
In Maths we kept very busy looking at money: recognising coins and their value as well as making 10p in different ways. We loved playing shopping games where we had to think how to pay for different fruit. We also explored doubling to 20 through practical and art activities. Finally, we discussed the concept of time through understanding our daily routine, events from the past, present and the future.
Last but not least, we had lots of fun exploring the life of minibeasts. We had our own wormery and a butterfly lab in the classroom. We observed the changes in the life cycles every day. After a few weeks, the caterpillars turned into gorgeous butterflies and we released them into their natural habitat. And on the last day of term, we received a very special visit from a ZooLab zoologist. During the visit, we met some minibeasts: Ava, the African snail, Tilly, the African millipede, Marty, the cockroach and Dahlia, the tree frog. We also met two rat brothers; Hendricks and Oats as we compared mammals to minibeasts. We talked about internal and external skeletons as well as how their senses are located. We shared and learned lots of new facts about minibeasts.
Spring 2 2021-2022
Reception have enjoyed the second half of the Spring Term. Our Topic was ‘Growth and New Life.’ We have loved exploring plants and animals. After reading Jack and the Beanstalk, we planted and looked after our own beans. We also observed how they grew and wrote our Bean Diaries. In Maths, we explored measurement and subtraction.
We had two extra special weeks: The Reading Festival and Science Week.
We had special visitors talking to us about their exciting jobs- a poet and a story writer. Christian Foley created a rhyming rap with us while Jeremy Strong talked to us about his characters and inspirations for his stories. We also had Hobgoblin Theatre Group act out a medley of traditional stories- we helped them put the events in the correct order. On Thursday we came to school dressed as our favourite book characters. Across the week we read, acted out and discussed Jack and the Beanstalk and Jasper’s Beanstalk- we also took a vote to choose the story we preferred. It was a close call!
During Science Week we took part in many wonderful activities. We made our own bug hotels, measured each other using a range of classroom objects, created beautiful repeating pattern with leaves, and made our own greenhouses as we planted our own seeds. We enjoyed a visit from ‘Annick’s Insects’ and absolutely loved our session in the Discovery Zone, where we learnt lots of interesting facts about the solar system. To end science week, we all came to school dressed as STEM Ambassadors. We can’t wait to do it all again next year!
Next term we are looking forward to learning all about minibeasts!
Spring 1 2021-2022
Our topic this term was ‘People who help us’. We enjoyed learning about the different jobs that people do and the wonderful things they do to help us. We had great fun playing in our role-play areas, which were transformed into a hospital, a doctor’s surgery and even a supermarket! We were lucky enough to be visited by two doctors-a ‘talking doctor’ and a doctor who cares for older patients. In addition to this, a real life policeman also came to see us! We loved finding out about the his uniform and the different equipment he carries around with him- handcuffs, a torch, a baton and a note book for writing important messages. The highlight of the visit was when he drove his police car into the playground and turned the lights and sirens on! What an exciting day! We have learnt so much this term and our teachers are so proud of all that we have achieved. We are becoming more confident at using our sounds in reading and writing. In maths, we focused on finding different ways to make 5 and 10 and added two numbers by jumping along a number line.
Autumn 2 2021-22
Reception has had a blast this term learning lots of new facts about space. Our role-play areas were transformed into space stations and we whizzed through the solar system in our imaginary rockets! We used junk materials to create moon buggies and spent time finding out about each of the planets. We read many wonderful stories, including, ‘Aliens Love Underpants’, ‘The Marvellous Moon Map’ and ‘Whatever Next’. A story we particularly enjoyed was ‘Man on the Moon’-a story about Bob, whose job is to look after the moon. We loved the illustrations and used these as inspiration for our own play aliens in our Maths Through Story lesson, where we shaped play dough into different 3D shapes. At the end of term, we enjoyed taking part in a workshop run by ‘Perform’, where we played lots of games and even had a visit from an alien! We loved coming to school in our space-related costumes!
Autumn 1 2021-22
What a wonderful half term we have had in Reception! The children have settled in well and have adjusted well to their school routines.
Our topic was ‘Myself’ and as part of this we have been getting to know our new classmates and building friendships. As part of a special homework project, the children decorated a shoe box which they filled with special items that represent them, which they then presented to their classmates.
When looking at the story of ‘Funny Bones’ we learnt about different bones in our bodies and made some skeleton pictures. Children have role played in the home corner and retold the stories of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and ‘Peace at Last’ using masks and puppet. They also drew and labelled their favourite part of the story as part of Creative Writing.
In Maths we have been counting to 20. We have been practicing recognising numerals 0-9 and how to find one more and one less. We have explored Maths through Stories where we enjoyed counting together using lots of objects, including our fingers and toes.
Below are links to our current curriculum overviews.
Michaelmas 1 Curriculum Overview
Michaelmas 2 Curriculum Overview