Southfield Primary School

Message from Head Boy and Head Girl

At Southfield we are fortunate to have a hard working Head Boy and Head Girl, who applied and attended a rigorous interview to gain this coveted accolade. They work hard and meet regularly with Dr Jones. Supporting them are our Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl. 


This is what our Head Boy wanted you to know about Southfield:

Hello, my name is Tom, and I am Head boy at Southfield Primary School, and my peer, Harrison is Deputy Head boy.

During my time at Southfield, I have experienced many different things, such as school trips to many places, enrichment curriculum (Drama, ICT/Computing and Languages). My favourite trip was our Y6 residential to the Isle of Wight. We tried abseiling, climbing and roasted marshmallows around campfires. I also really enjoyed our Year 5 trip to the Observatory at Greenwich. 

I have also learnt the TRUE (Trust, Respect, Unity and Empathy) and the four pillars of Southfield (Knowledge rich, Personal growth, Contextualised and Curriculum Enrichment) and the school motto: Out of the heart springs life (in Latin ‘Ex Corde vita’).In my opinion, the teachers are really good at what they do because they don’t dawdle and get straight into lessons.

Each class participates in Maths, Real life maths, English, Spelling (phonics for year one ), Drama, ICT/Computing, Languages, Science, History, Music and Geography. In year 6 we have been learning about the World Wars. To deepen our learning, we had a theatre company come visit and perform a play.

In the playground, there are a variety of sports in the week such as football, four square/champ, basketball, cricket, tag rugby and tennis. Every few months, the school competes in local tournaments against other school during the day.

The best thing about Southfield are the children. We are good children. In many schools, bullying is a problem. However, in this school bullying has not existed for a long time. Everyone follows the TRUE values, which are shown in both in class and in the playground. 

I would recommend Southfield to all parents.

 Out of the heart springs life

 Thank you for reading.


And this is what our Head Girl wanted you to know about the school:

I have been at Southfield since Reception and now I’m in year 6.

I have made lots of friends at here, some I’ve known since Reception and others are newer.  My favourite subjects are Maths and Creative Writing but I really like them all. There’s such a variety of things to learn including drama, art, music and computer science.

Last year we studied William Shakespeare and had the chance to put on our very own show Macbeth. I really enjoy reading to the Reception class and getting to know the little ones, it doesn’t seem very long since I was in Reception. The teachers are really friendly and supportive. There are lots of different clubs to join as well as music lessons. I am learning the Ukulele and Piano and I take part in chess club and choir.

I love going on school trips. The Year 6s had the opportunity to go to the Isle of Wight for a week where we had such an amazing time. Other trips I’ve been on while I’ve been at Southfield have been St Paul’s Cathedral, Transport Museum, Kew Gardens, Hampton Court Palace and I can’t wait to go on some more this year.

 I can’t believe that this is my last year at Southfield Primary School. While I am looking forward to going to secondary school next year, I will really miss Southfield.


Here are our Head Boy and Head Girl Tom and Erin and their deputies Harrison and Grace