Southfield Primary School


History and the study of the past plays a pivotal role in the Southfield curriculum. As we strongly believe that children make meaning and sense of the world through story we use this medium to foster a love of the past and how significant people have contributed to the world. The History Curriculum develops children’s knowledge of historical periods, events and significant individuals. Children learn key facts and concepts alongside skills such as chronological understanding, how to analyse and evaluate historical evidence, how to empathise with people from different eras and how to compare and contrast life in different periods. 

Year 1- Discovering History, Kings, Queens and Leaders, Prime Ministers and Parliament

Year 2 – Romans in Britain, The Tudors, Powerful Voices

Year 3 – Stone Age to Iron Age, Ancient Egypt, Anglo Saxons and The Vikings, Law and Power, The War of the Roses

Year 4 – Ancient Greece, Life in Ancient Rome, The Rise and Fall of Rose, The Stuarts

Year 5 – Baghdad 900, British Empire, The French Revolution, The Transatlantic Slave Trade, The Industrial Revolution, The Victorian Age

Year 6 – World War I, The Suffragettes, The Rise and Fall of Hitler, World War II and The Holocaust, The Cold War, The History of Human Rights 

Children’s historical learning in Key Stage One starts with the familiar: their own pasts and those of their families and the history of toys. As children’s learning travels further back in time, History is brought to life through a Great Fire of London walk and trips to the toy Museum. These help to fire the children’s imaginations and enable them to empathise with the lives of children in different eras. At the end of Year 2, children learn about the ancient Egyptian civilisation.


In Key Stage Two, the story of Britain is interwoven with studies of ancient civilisations. Children explore concepts of migration, empire, civilisation, continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance. Immersive role-play experiences on trips to the Cabinet War Rooms, the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, Gunnersbury Victorian Museum. History days punctuate and contextualise the curriculum where children immerse themselves with
period artefacts and drama to foster a strong understanding of historiography. develop children’s understanding of life in Britain in different eras. Studies of ancient civilisations of Rome, Egypt, and Greece are supported by visits to the British and London museums. Children express their learning through drama, art, discussion and writing.


     We were also accredited with the Gold Primary History Quality
     Mark which exemplifies our superb History curriculum offering        
     at Southfield. 



Knowledge Organisers



Year 1 - Discovering History

Year 1 - Kings, Queens and LeadersYear 1 - Parliament and Prime Ministers

Year 2 - The Romans in Britain

Year 2 - The Tudors

Year 2 - Powerful Voices

Year 3 - Stone Age to Iron Age

Year 3 - The Egyptians

Year 3 - The Anglo Saxons

Year 3 - Law and Power

Year 3 - War of the Roses

Year 4 - Ancient Greeks

Year 4 - Life in Ancient Rome

Year 4 - The Rise and Fall of Rome

Year 4 - The Stuarts

Year 5 - Baghdad 900CE

Year 5 - The Early British Empire

Year 5 - The French Revolution

Year 5 - The Transatlantic Slave Trade

Year 5 - The Industrial Revolution

Year 5 - The Victorian Age

Year 6 - World War I

Year 6 - The Suffragettes

Year 6 - The Rise of Hitler and World War II

Year 6 - World War II and The Holocaust

Year 6 - The Cold War

Year 6 - The History of Human Rights


The Classical World

To further enrich the study of the ancient worlds, children in Key Stage 2 discover and learn Latin through the exciting Minimus scheme which charts a famous mouse’s adventure through the Roman Empire. Children get to grips with the basics of Latin exploiting opportunities for links between grammar and spelling in English whilst developing a tantalising sense of the value of a beautiful language replete with beauty and flavour as the bedrock of modern European languages.